How can I convert SCOM alerts into actionable ServiceNow Incidents?

Firstly, let’s look at why it is so valuable to integrate SCOM and ServiceNow.

Save Time: by turning incidents into actionable alerts, you will save hours of time in diagnosing issues and significantly reduce your Mean-Time-to-Repair (MTTR).

Improve Service Availability: understanding and reducing service outages and critical IT issues means you will increase operational efficiencies.

Sweat Your Assets: by automating processes you will increase the value and operational efficiencies delivered by existing infrastructure monitoring tools.

Finding the right integration tool

There are lots of tools available to help you integrate SCOM and ServiceNow. So, the next step is to understand which one will provide your business with the best solution. To help you work through this decision we recommend you ask yourself the following questions:

1)    How much time, money, and people power do I want to invest in the setup process?

It can take anything from a few, simple, wizard-driven minutes to configure your new integration monitoring tool, to months’ worth of setup and consultancy hours.

2)   What exactly do you want your integration tool to deliver?

This will depend on how complex your business processes are, the level of analysis you require, and the time you want to spend utilizing this tool. You may also want to consider what other tools you want your integration solution to be compatible with, for example, you may want to extend it into discovery and mapping tools.

3)   How much money do you want to spend on setup and ongoing maintenance?

Some solutions have a large upfront cost to cover consultancy fees and licenses and others are more DIY. Then once your solution is in place you will want to consider whether an annual subscription or pay-as-you-go model will work best for your business.

4)   How confident are you that the solution you have chosen will be fully compatible with your business?

Most service providers offer a free demo of the product. But if you can trial the product before you get locked into a financial commitment, then this would be a valuable experience!

So, now you’ve answered these key questions you are well on your way to finding the right integration tool for you!

To help you make a final decision we have summarized the pros and cons of the top integration tools below:

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If you would like to find out more about each of these solutions check out our blog on How do I create ServiceNow Incidents from SCOM alerts?


Four ways to send SCOM alerts to ServiceNow


How to get the most from your ITSM monitoring integrations?